ACL Reconstruction Meniscus Repair
Surgery Rehab Protocol
Knee ACL week 4-7
Exercise 1
Glute Bridge with Heels on the Ground
Equipment needed
to execute exercises correctly you need this equipment:
Starting Position
Lay flat in a supine position with the middle back and pelvis placed firmly on the ground, with the heel positioned on the ground and knees bent at approximately 90 degrees.

The Routine
From the starting position, carefully pull the whole body up and then down, as is demonstrated with the furthest possible range of motion. Make sure you are using your hamstrings, gluteaus and lower back muscles to perform the routine properly.

For maximum benefit, perform the routine with control for 3 sets of 15.
Do a total of 45 repetitions with a 60 seconds break after each set of 15.

To get the most possible benefit from the routine, hold the top position for five seconds.
Make sure your knees are handling the movement with minimum discomfort.

Exercise 2
Marching Glute Bridge
Equipment needed
to execute exercises correctly you need this equipment:
Exercise 3
Resisted Forward Walking
Equipment needed
to execute exercises correctly you need this equipment:
Exercise 4
Stability Ball foot Raises
Equipment needed
to execute exercises correctly you need this equipment:
Exercise 5
Stability Ball Squats with Hip Adduction
Equipment needed
to execute exercises correctly you need this equipment:
Exercise 6
Stability Ball Wall Plie Squats
Equipment needed
to execute exercises correctly you need this equipment:
Exercise 7
Standing Single Leg Hamstring Curl
Equipment needed
to execute exercises correctly you need this equipment:
Exercise 8
Straight Leg Glute Bridge
Equipment needed
to execute exercises correctly you need this equipment: