Cerebral palsy, Spastic diplegia, etc

One month treatment package includes:

Initial appointment
Status evaluation
Selective course of treatment for cerebral blood circulation improvement
Physical therapy (corrective routines). Vojta therapy with parental education, Bobath therapy
Physical therapy (passive type of treatment)
Medical massage - 10 visits
Weekly health condition monitor
Correction and development of motor abilities, delayIng walk, etc
Correction of cognitive dysfunction and delaying speech

- Close connection with colleagues from Germany and Russia in difficult cases eliminates necessity to travel somewhere else but Pattaya for treatment. Rehabilitation is carried out in full compliance with the standards adopted by the international medical community

- A multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of clients with cerebral palsy provides a positive trend in the post-stroke rehabilitation of clients

- Our specialists teach the patient's relatives the techniques to actively continue rehabilitation at home to achieve better results. Information about the course of treatment, goals and objectives of therapy is provided to relatives upon the first request