Physical Therapy Center

Post-stroke rehab therapy

Welcome to our stroke recovery community where you will be listened attentively and understood by the “Motion Wellness” Pattaya Physical Therapy Center multi-disciplinary team of experts!

Our team

    Neurosurgeon and Neurologist
    Experienced Physical Therapist
    16 years of professional practice, including 5 years as the Deputy Head Doctor of the Neurology Department
    Specialization: Cerebral diseases, including stroke, brain damage from car accidents, dementia, Parkinson's, etc.
    Featured Speaker at the Neurologist Conference in Seoul, South Korea, 2015
    Featured Speaker at the Neurologist Conference in Moscow in 2014, 2017, and 2019
    Member of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia
    Physical therapist
    13 years of professional practice, including 5 years as Motion Wellness Pattaya Physical Therapy Center owner and founder
    Physical therapist and balance therapist
    8 years of professional practice, including 5 years as the physical therapist and balance therapist of the Neurology Department
    Specialization: Cerebral diseases, including stroke, brain damage from car accidents, dementia, Parkinson's, etc.
    Three years of professional practice as a university teacher, specializing in the basics of post-stroke rehabilitation.
    Member of the Association of Physiotherapists of Russia
A stroke is not the end of your journey; it's merely a new chapter. Your life transitions to a new level, and we believe that through rehabilitation, you can create a fulfilling and meaningful life

Balance therapy

Balance therapy is an essential component of stroke rehabilitation aimed at helping individuals who have suffered a stroke regain their ability to maintain a stable and upright posture. Stroke often affects the brain's control over balance and coordination, leading to difficulties with standing, walking, and performing daily activities.
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Here's an overview of balance therapy in stroke treatment and rehabilitation:

1. Assessment: The first step in balance therapy is a comprehensive assessment by a physical therapist or an occupational therapist. They evaluate the individual's balance, mobility, and any impairments caused by the stroke.

2. Individualized Plan: Based on the assessment, a personalized stroke treatment plan is developed. This plan considers the individual's specific needs, limitations, and goals.

3. Exercises: Balance therapy typically includes a variety of exercises and activities designed to improve balance and stability. These may include:

  • Static balance exercises: These focus on maintaining balance while standing still, such as standing on one leg or using balance boards.

  • Dynamic balance exercises: These involve movements like weight shifting, reaching, or walking on uneven surfaces to challenge and improve balance control.

  • Strengthening exercises: Building strength in the muscles that support balance, such as the legs and core, is crucial.

  • Coordination exercises: Activities that challenge coordination and help individuals regain control over their movements.

4. Gait Training: Balance therapy often includes gait training, which helps individuals relearn how to walk safely and efficiently. This may involve using assistive devices like walkers or canes, as well as practicing proper heel-to-toe walking patterns.

5. Visual and Vestibular Training: Sometimes, stroke survivors may experience issues with visual or inner ear (vestibular) functions, affecting their balance. Therapy may address these issues through specific exercises and adaptations.

6. Adaptations and Assistive Devices: Depending on the severity of the stroke and individual needs, therapists may recommend assistive devices like braces, orthotics, or mobility aids to improve balance.

7. Progress Monitoring: Throughout the therapy process, progress is closely monitored. Adjustments are made to the treatment plan as needed to ensure continuous improvement.

8. Home Exercises: Stroke survivors are often provided with exercises and activities to practice at home, helping reinforce what they've learned during therapy sessions.

9. Education: Patients and their caregivers are educated on fall prevention strategies, safe movement techniques, and strategies to maintain balance in daily life.

10. Long-Term Maintenance: Stroke survivors may require ongoing balance exercises and therapy to maintain their progress and reduce the risk of falls in the long term.

Effective balance therapy can significantly enhance the quality of life for stroke survivors by increasing their independence and reducing the risk of falls and related injuries. It's an integral part of stroke treatment that addresses a critical aspect of recovery.
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Speech therapy

Speech therapy plays a crucial role in stroke rehabilitation treatment by addressing communication and swallowing difficulties that can arise after a stroke.
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Here's an overview of how speech therapy is essential in stroke treatment and recovery:

1. Communication Improvement: Stroke can damage the brain's language centers, leading to difficulties in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing. Speech therapists work with stroke survivors to improve their communication skills, helping them regain their ability to speak clearly and coherently.

2. Language Rehabilitation: Speech therapists develop individualized language therapy plans to target specific language deficits. This may include exercises to improve vocabulary, sentence construction, and comprehension.

3. Aphasia Management: Aphasia is a common language disorder after a stroke. Speech therapists employ various techniques to help individuals with aphasia regain language skills. These techniques may include picture boards, gesture training, and augmentative communication devices.

4. Articulation and Pronunciation: Some stroke survivors may have difficulty with articulation and pronunciation. Speech therapists use exercises and drills to enhance speech clarity and intelligibility.

5. Cognitive-Communication Therapy: Stroke can affect cognitive functions related to communication, such as attention, memory, and problem-solving. Speech therapists incorporate cognitive exercises to address these issues.

6. Swallowing Rehabilitation: Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is another common problem post-stroke. Speech therapists assess swallowing function and develop safe swallowing strategies and exercises to prevent choking and aspiration.

7. Voice Rehabilitation: If stroke affects the vocal cords or voice quality, speech therapists provide voice therapy to restore a clear and functional voice.

8. Alternative Communication Methods: For individuals who cannot regain verbal communication, speech therapists may introduce alternative communication methods, such as sign language or communication apps.

9. Education and Support: Speech therapists educate stroke survivors and their families about communication strategies and provide ongoing support and training.

10. Multidisciplinary Approach: Collaboration with other rehabilitation specialists, such as physical and occupational therapists, is common to address holistic recovery needs.

Speech therapy in stroke rehabilitation is highly individualized, focusing on the specific deficits and goals of each patient. It can significantly improve a stroke survivor's quality of life by enhancing their ability to communicate effectively and safely.

It's important to note that the extent and duration of speech therapy will vary based on the severity of the stroke and the individual's progress. Early intervention and ongoing therapy sessions are often key components of successful rehabilitation.
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Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) plays a crucial role in stroke treatment and rehabilitation. It focuses on helping stroke survivors regain independence in their daily activities and improve their quality of life.
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Here's more about occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation:

1. Assessment: Occupational therapists start by assessing the stroke survivor's physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities. This assessment helps identify areas of impairment and sets the foundation for personalized stroke treatment plans.

2. Goal Setting: Collaboratively with the stroke survivor and their family, occupational therapists set specific, measurable, and achievable goals. These goals typically target tasks that are essential for daily living, such as dressing, bathing, cooking, and mobility.

3. Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Training: One of the primary focuses of occupational therapy is to help stroke survivors relearn or adapt to activities of daily living. This includes tasks like bathing, grooming, dressing, and feeding.

4. Functional Mobility: Occupational therapists work on improving the survivor's ability to move around safely. This may involve mobility aids, balance training, and exercises to strengthen muscles and joints.

5. Adaptive Techniques: OTs teach adaptive techniques and recommend assistive devices to make daily activities more manageable. This could include using grab bars, adaptive utensils, or devices for dressing.

6. Cognitive Rehabilitation: Stroke survivors often experience cognitive challenges. Occupational therapy may include exercises to improve memory, attention, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

7. Psychosocial Support: Occupational therapists provide emotional support and coping strategies for stroke survivors who may be dealing with anxiety, depression, or other psychological challenges.

8. Home and Environmental Modifications: OTs assess the home environment and suggest modifications to ensure safety and accessibility. This may involve rearranging furniture, adding handrails, or removing tripping hazards.

9. Community Reintegration: Occupational therapy extends beyond the clinic or home. Therapists work on community reintegration, helping stroke survivors regain the ability to participate in social and leisure activities.

10. Family and Caregiver Training: Occupational therapists involve family members and caregivers in the rehabilitation process. They educate them about the stroke survivor's needs and provide training to assist with care.

11. Progress Monitoring: Occupational therapists continuously monitor the progress of stroke survivors and adjust treatment plans as needed. The goal is to maximize independence and adapt the therapy to changing needs.

12. Long-Term Support: Occupational therapy doesn't always end when the stroke survivor leaves the rehabilitation center. Many individuals continue to receive support and guidance from OTs as they transition back to their homes and communities.

Overall, occupational therapy in stroke treatment and rehabilitation is holistic and client-centered, aiming to enhance functional abilities, promote independence, and improve the overall quality of life for stroke survivors. The therapy is tailored to the unique needs and goals of each individual.
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Physical therapy

We are here to support you on your path to recovery. Remember, life after a stroke doesn't end; it transitions to a new level. The quality of your life depends on your recovery, and we are ready to help you to climb up onto the new level. Don't be afraid to take on challenges, don't give in to difficulties. Together, we can overcome any obstacles and reach new heights. Let's start this journey together!
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Here are key aspects of physical therapy in stroke rehabilitation:

1. Assessment: The process begins with a thorough assessment by a physical therapist to evaluate the individual's physical abilities, limitations, and specific needs. This assessment helps in developing a personalized treatment plan.

2. Mobility Improvement: Stroke often leads to muscle weakness, paralysis, and difficulty with balance and coordination. Physical therapy includes exercises and techniques to improve mobility and muscle strength.

3. Gait Training: Regaining the ability to walk is a major goal of stroke rehabilitation. Physical therapists work on improving walking patterns, balance, and posture to ensure safe and efficient mobility.

4. Range of Motion: Stroke survivors may experience stiffness and decreased range of motion in their limbs. Physical therapy involves exercises and stretches to improve joint flexibility.

5. Functional Activities: Therapy focuses on everyday activities such as getting in and out of bed, standing up from a chair, and reaching for objects. These activities are practiced to promote independence.

6. Balance and Coordination: Stroke can affect balance and coordination. Physical therapists use specific exercises and training to help individuals regain balance and prevent falls.

7. Pain Management: Some stroke survivors may experience pain due to muscle spasticity or joint issues. Physical therapists can provide techniques and modalities to manage pain.

8. Assistive Devices: Therapists may introduce assistive devices such as canes, walkers, or braces to enhance mobility and safety.

9. Adaptive Techniques: Techniques for adapting to any remaining physical limitations are taught to ensure individuals can perform daily tasks more easily.

10. Progress Tracking: Regular assessments and progress tracking are essential in adjusting the rehabilitation plan to meet changing needs and goals.

11. Home Exercise Programs: Physical therapists often provide home exercise programs to encourage individuals to continue rehabilitation exercises independently.

12. Emotional Support: Stroke rehabilitation can be challenging emotionally. Physical therapists often provide encouragement and support to boost confidence and motivation.

13. Team Approach: Physical therapists collaborate with other healthcare professionals such as occupational therapists, speech therapists, and physicians to ensure holistic care.

The goal of physical therapy in stroke rehabilitation is to maximize functional independence and improve the overall quality of life for stroke survivors. It's a comprehensive approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of recovery. The duration and intensity of therapy vary depending on the individual's condition and progress, but consistent therapy can lead to significant improvements in mobility and daily living skills.
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Medical massage

We offer personalized recovery programs, support, and understanding to help you overcome the challenges you face with.
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Here's how medical massage is beneficial in stroke rehabilitation:

1. Pain Management: Stroke survivors often experience pain and discomfort due to muscle stiffness, spasms, or nerve damage. Medical massage can help alleviate these symptoms, providing relief to the patient.

2. Improved Circulation: Stroke can lead to circulatory issues. Massage techniques stimulate blood flow, which can enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery to affected tissues, aiding in the healing process.

3. Muscle Relaxation: Stroke survivors may have muscle tightness or contractures. Medical massage helps relax muscles, reducing spasms and promoting better joint mobility.

4. Enhanced Range of Motion: Restricted mobility is common post-stroke. Regular massage can help improve joint flexibility and range of motion, making daily activities easier.

5. Lymphatic Drainage: Massage techniques can stimulate the lymphatic system, assisting in the removal of waste and toxins from the body, which can be particularly helpful for patients with limited mobility.

6. Stress Reduction: Stroke survivors may experience high levels of stress and anxiety. Medical massage promotes relaxation, reducing stress hormones and improving emotional well-being.

7. Improved Functionality: By addressing muscle and joint issues, massage can contribute to the patient's overall functionality, making it easier for them to regain independence in daily tasks.

8. Customized Treatment: A skilled massage therapist can tailor the massage techniques to suit the specific needs and limitations of the stroke survivor.

9. Complementary to Other Therapies: Medical massage can work alongside other forms of stroke rehabilitation, such as physical therapy and occupational therapy, to provide a well-rounded approach to recovery.

10. Long-Term Benefits: Regular massage sessions over time can contribute to sustained improvements in muscle tone, circulation, and overall well-being for stroke survivors.

It's important to note that stroke survivors should consult with their healthcare team, including physicians and therapists, before beginning any massage therapy. This ensures that the massage techniques used are safe and suitable for their individual condition and stage of recovery. When administered by trained professionals, medical massage can be a valuable component of stroke rehabilitation treatment, helping individuals regain their quality of life.
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Selective invasive treatment

Selective invasive treatments in stroke rehabilitation typically refer to medical procedures or interventions that are designed to directly address the underlying cause of a stroke or its complications. These treatments are often used in addition to traditional rehabilitation therapies to improve the overall outcomes for stroke survivors.
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Guide for post-stroke therapy

Initial appointment to see a neurologist
Compulsory for anamnesis
1.500 thb
Cerebral blood flow empowerment
Compulsory for anamnesis
18.000 thb
Including 10 injections
and 30 days supportive pills consumption
Balance therapy
1.100 thb
Physical therapy
1.100 thb
900 thb
1.500 thb
Here are some key points about selective invasive treatments in stroke rehabilitation:

1. Types of Strokes: Selective invasive treatments are more commonly associated with ischemic strokes, which occur when a blood clot blocks an artery in the brain. Hemorrhagic strokes, which involve bleeding in the brain, may require different types of interventions.

2. Thrombectomy: One of the most common selective invasive treatments for ischemic stroke is thrombectomy. During this procedure, a neurointerventional surgeon or radiologist removes the blood clot causing the stroke using specialized equipment. Thrombectomy is often performed within a few hours of stroke onset to minimize brain damage.

3. Clot-Dissolving Medications: Another approach involves the use of clot-dissolving medications, such as tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). These medications are administered intravenously to dissolve blood clots and restore blood flow to the brain.

4. Carotid Endarterectomy: In cases where a narrowed carotid artery is contributing to stroke risk, a surgical procedure called carotid endarterectomy may be performed. This surgery removes plaque buildup from the carotid artery to reduce the risk of future strokes.

5. Stent Placement: Some patients may benefit from the placement of a stent in a narrowed or blocked artery. Stents are mesh-like tubes that can help keep the artery open and improve blood flow.

6. Risk and Benefits: While selective invasive treatments can be highly effective in certain cases, they also carry risks. Patients and healthcare providers carefully weigh the potential benefits against the risks before deciding on these interventions.

7. Multidisciplinary Care: Stroke rehabilitation involves a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiologists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. Selective invasive treatments are just one aspect of a comprehensive stroke rehabilitation plan.

8. Timing: The timing of selective invasive treatments is crucial. In many cases, they are most effective when administered shortly after the onset of symptoms to minimize brain damage.

It's important to note that not all stroke survivors will require or be eligible for selective invasive treatments. The specific approach to stroke rehabilitation, including the use of these interventions, should be determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the type of stroke, its severity, and the patient's overall health. Additionally, stroke rehabilitation is an ongoing process that may involve a combination of medical treatments, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other supportive measures to help individuals regain function and improve their quality of life.
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Remember, your strength and perseverance can overcome any obstacles. Let's create a new level of your life through together!
PattayaTai, soi 24, Center Condo, 20150 Pattaya, Thailand
+66 91-041-0024‬